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CYPHER Learning Blog


Video games in business training? Don't reject the idea just yet

The ancient motto said “repetitio mater studiorum est” – repetition is the mother of learning. Back then, information was a very scarce commodity. Universities were few and far between and libraries d...

7 e-learning mistakes to avoid in 2018

E-learning courses are indispensable tools for L&D professionals who need to support employees to gain extensive knowledge in the professional world. Designing a great e-learning course that ultimatel...

How an LMS for entrepreneurs can impact their work

In a world that can't stop learning (seriously, no matter what you do for a living, if you stop learning you fall behind) even small businesses and one-person companies (OPCs) — or any entrepreneur fo...

The benefits of using captions for your training videos

Videos have gained a lot of terrain lately, whether they are meant for learning or entertainment. High-speed Internet, accessible-priced smart-phones and all the amazing free apps that can turn anyone...

The power of the spoken word: including podcasts in training

Back in 1938, radio was the main means of finding out what was going on in the world, listen to music or even to the back-then really popular radiophonic theatre. When on October 30th of that year (wh...

Learning from others through Enterprise Social Networks (ESN)

Learning & Development specialists put a lot of time and effort into developing the best training programs, yet they often fail to have the desired results. There are multiple reasons that lead to thi...

The top 4 skills of successful leaders

Only good leadership can drive performance. This much has been obvious for long enough that CEOs are aware of the enormous importance of leadership development. The great enigma remains, however, what...

A glimpse into the future: IoT in the workplace

Operator : "Thank you for calling Pizza Place. May I have your..." Customer: "Hello, can I order?" Operator : "Can I have your multi purpose card number first, Sir?" Customer: "It's eh..., hold... on....

Using screencasting in training: What? Why? How?

Recently I’ve watched an interview with a history teacher who was advocating the use of technology for learning. At first it seemed odd as usually those who have a passion for the past also enjoy the ...

Do Millennials need special training?

A version of this post was originally published on August 23rd 2017, in Training Magazine. Millennials have taken the workplace by storm. Wherever you turn, there are more and more young employees. Mi...

The 4 Characteristics of the open organization

The world we live in today is one of permanent, open source connectivity. Knowledge is free and abundant and there is a lot more transparency than some of us may feel comfortable with. Communication i...

How the use of mobile devices in training saves the trees

You know that wonderful feeling you get when you feel the crisp smell of a new book while turning the pages, all tucked in a comfortable armchair with a big cup of hot cocoa while the rain keeps pouri...

The secret sauce for efficient training: experiential learning

Over a century ago, Hermann Ebbinghaus wrote about the learning curve, a concept that quantifies the relationship between memory and time. In a nutshell, it states that, during a lecture, if your abso...

Are games the best brain-training tactics?

The human brain is undoubtedly the most intricate machine on Earth. Our eyes, ears, and other sensory organs constantly send information to our cortex. In turn, it uses all this information to build e...

How HR can leverage LMS software

This post has been updated on October 23 2018. Today, HR teams are tasked with engaging and retaining top talent in addition to attracting, hiring and onboarding promising candidates. Many times, this...

Immersive training with 360° learning environments

The trends in entertainment are usually a very accurate measure of what ‘tickles the pickle’ of people at a certain time. In the ancient world, people enjoyed gladiator fights or (pretty much at the o...

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