Technical support

Need technical support, help logging into your account, or forgot your password? Find out more below.

Technical support

To obtain technical support, first log into your account, then click the Help icon, then click the Support link.

Logging in to your account

If you are having difficulty logging into your account, we recommend clearing your browser cookie cache and trying again.

Forgot password

You can also request that your password is sent to you by clicking the “Forgot password” option in the login box, then entering your email address.

Student help

If you are a student and you cannot obtain your password using that option, please contact your site administrator for additional help.

Platform status

To see the status of our sites please visit our status page.


CYPHER Care offers 24/7 support and a dedicated customer success manager.

More questions

If you didn't find the answer that you're looking for here, please get in touch.

Email us