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L&D leaders (11)

Building a knowledge-sharing organizational culture

This post was originally published on October 22, 2018, in Modern Australian. The workplace of today is made up of people belonging to up to five generations. Each and every one of them knows things t...

4 Tips for SMEs that want to upskill their workforce

A version of this post was originally published in HR News, in January 2018 Being a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) can make it difficult to train employees to the level of efficiency that bigg...

The best strategies for including remote workers in your L&D plan

This post has been updated on March 4, 2020. Remote workers are becoming a major part of the staff of many companies, especially at high-level jobs or specialist positions. Nearly four million America...

3 Tips on how to keep Millennial employees engaged in training and the organization

A lot has changed about the workforce in the last decade or so. Businesses have reached a point where they no longer place the greatest focus on attracting and retaining customers but on finding and h...

Why L&D should prepare for training global virtual teams

This post has been updated on March 4, 2020. Generally, when we are thinking about a team we picture a group of people working together in the same space, having formal and informal meetings, face to ...

How to build a culture of learning for your team

Many things have changed about the way we work. The digital revolution has ushered in a new era of connectivity and productivity. But it has also placed a new emphasis on learning and personal develop...

What neuroscience has to say about organizational change

Many organizations that used to be very strong and successful seem to be failing without any chance of recovery. I have personally suffered through the demise of three companies that produced my favor...

3 Mental models for learning L&D professionals should know about

In an age where tsunami-size waves of information are constantly hitting us and things change with unprecedented speed, the one ability that will keep people and business afloat is the one to think cr...

Need to change learning behaviors of trainees? Start with mental models

Thinking outside the box has almost become cliché today. People are often asked to do so whether it is at work or in their personal lives. But what exactly is the box? Why is it bad? How does one get ...

Considering mindfulness training for increased employee productivity

Reading the title of this article, some may think that it is a big contradiction in terms. Mindfulness, generally associated with meditation is widely regarded as time consuming. It is something one w...

Why companies should consider talent management as a competitive advantage

There is a restaurant sign that has recently gone viral and is adopted by more and more businesses. It read “Please be nice to the employees, they are a lot harder to find than customers”. Apart from ...

4 Things to consider when training Generation Z [INFOGRAPHIC]

Gen Z , though still very young, are already workplace adjacent. With their desire to save as much as possible and get an education without also acquiring debt, they freelance from early on. Very tech...

8 Best practices to facilitate informal learning

Educating children and young people is the main concern of parents starting with the potty and ending with a good college. And even though formal education is definitely important and plays a big role...

Why having a growth mindset is the basis for learning and development

One of the hardest things to fill out whenever people are asked to do a questionnaire about themselves is the hobbies and passions section. Some just go cliché with “reading, watching films and taking...

3 Steps towards a continuous learning culture

Many organizations today declare that they are seeking to transform their culture. My guess is that this happens because of the generational shift and the overall changes in the world around us. It’s ...

4 Awesome tips for successful classroom training

It seems these days that all new articles that come out about corporate learning have to do with the electronic version of the activity. It’s natural since it is the way most companies choose to go th...

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