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L&D leaders (10)

Learning by teams: How to customize your training for every employee

Certain training programs may apply to everyone in a company, like HR procedures or emergency drills. However, just as the job duties of the marketer differ from that of an operations manager, your tr...

What L&D professionals can learn from ancient tribes

Human evolution has been made possible by the development and deployment of knowledge. For millennia, it has been a catalyst for growth and organized groups of individuals who cultivated knowledge hel...

The other 5 principles of learning reinforcement

On his quest to find the best way to reinforce organizational learning, Anthonie Wurth identified seven principles for achieving this. The first two had to do with closing the various gaps between the...

Implications of the Self Determination Theory in the workplace

Having talked (albeit rather briefly, considering the extensive literature and research on the subject) about the Self Determination Theory, it’s only logical to have a look at the way this theory can...

Understanding employee motivation with the Self-Determination Theory

Any decent author knows that in order to be able to create believable and engaging characters, the question of what drives and motivates them has to have a good answer. Upbringing, values, cultural ba...

The shift to learner-centered training

For a long time, higher education was more or less confined to learners in their early twenties. Children learned from very young ages that almost everything they did in and out of school would eventu...

3 Crucial steps in ensuring business agility

When companies first start out, they do their best to gain customers, trust and give out a certain sense of stability. Well established organizations pride themselves with how long they have existed a...

Is using technology to facilitate in-house training effective?

This post was originally published on February 26, 2018 in MBA World. No matter what industry you’re in, and no matter what size your company is, all companies can benefit from using technology to cre...

On followership for Millennials in the workplace

There is a point in the first installment of The Lord of the Rings when all the worthy individuals representing various beings in Middle Earth meet to try and decide what should be done about the one ...

Top 3 best practices for talent management

Talent management is a rather new thing on the organizational grid. Initially it was thought of as a means of ensuring top management positions could be easily filled with competent, well-educated peo...

6 Behavioral bridges the most effective leaders know how to build

There is a lot of literature on leadership – what it is, what it should be, whether it is some innate capability or something that comes with years of work and experience. Historically, great leaders ...

Help your employees cut the mustard with just-in-time training

Running out of time is not really possible if you think about it. I am by no means going to dwell into philosophical concepts here, but time is limitless, it does not just end at some point that a per...

How emerging technologies are going to shape the workplace

The modern workplace barely resembles what it used to be a couple of decades ago. There is no need to clock in anymore. There barely is a clock, save for the posh offices where a nostalgic designer mi...

6 Considerations on how L&D should prepare for the New Skills Economy

Talent acquisition has always been important for organisations but lately the checklist for what a talented individual should look like has radically changed. Until not long ago, experience was the mo...

The role of L&D in achieving transversal business acumen

If we only had one (positive) word to describe the modern business world this would definitely be “dynamic”. So much is changing at such great speed that it takes very special and skilled leaders to g...

Lead your L&D team with vision in the year to come!

We are now living the golden age of Hollywood superheroes. Somehow, in the shadow of 9/11 people need to see some extraordinary individuals with unbelievable power who believe in and fight for humanit...

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