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CYPHER Learning Blog


Digital fluency and why it matters for the success of your organization

Digital transformation has been an organizational goal for quite some time now. Recently, companies being forced to move their operations online proved to be the ultimate digital transformation test. ...

Upping the online training game in 2021

The business world has been subjected to constant shifts for a while now. The global health crisis was yet another gamechanger. For L&D departments, it meant taking center stage and doing their best t...

Why businesses need to consider leadership development from end to end

Talking about leadership development, most materials focus on identifying high potential candidates and ensuring they access the programs needed to achieve that potential. However, the subject of high...

How the fourth industrial revolution is impacting L&D

Experts say that the next decade will be a disruptive one for the economy, our society, and our culture. In some respects, things have begun to undergo a rapid change, with the Covid-19 pandemic being...

4 Questions to answer when creating an impact map for your training program

The butterfly effect concept is a powerful one. I’m not convinced that a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a typhoon halfway across the world, and yet the imagery has stayed with me to this day. ...

What L&D professionals need to know about impact mapping

The issue of quantifying L&D results in organizational outcomes is an old and sticky one. There are numerous factors why this is so difficult, yet executives and learning specialists everywhere are st...

How to market your digital training programs within the organization

Usually, when you invite people over for a meal, you expect them to eat what's on the table and compliment your cooking. That is expected due to the established social convention. Most hosts strive to...

ALOHA, or the fundamentals of Learning and Development

During the on and off lockdowns of 2020, art was perhaps the best way to cope with isolation and the impossibility of seeing our family or friends. Just a quick note, in Portugal, one of the major pub...

5 Use cases of training automation you should know about

I believe that adding a bit of automation in our lives can significantly improve the way we live and work. Whether we’re talking about automating our finances, paying bills, buying groceries, or house...

4 Things about reboarding L&D professionals need to know right now

While the "stay at home" orders more or less took companies by surprise (meaning that they were not at all prepared to deal with the implications), it’s been fairly clear for months now that once the ...

5 Ways an AI-powered LMS keeps your organization ahead

Artificial Intelligence — or AI — has for some time moved from the realm of science fiction movies into our homes and pockets. Whether called Alexa, Siri, the nameless script that runs your social app...

Top collaboration management tips to make your employee training programs more effective

Having employee training programs might be the best decision you could make to improve employee productivity. It’s beneficial for your business, and your employees would appreciate it because it’s con...

The Seneca effect in Learning and Development

A few years ago, Ugo Bardi, an Italian professor at the University of Florence, found inspiration in the works of the Roman stoic philosopher Seneca, who famously said: “Fortune is of sluggish growth,...

6 Challenges L&D will have to overcome in 2021

It’s easy for anyone to realize that the plans made at the start of 2020 were not followed through to the letter. The year turned out to be one for contingency plans and putting out small fires while ...

How to keep your company data safe while working remotely

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit our country, it effectively changed business as we know it. Some companies were forced to close their doors, while others had to move to a remote workforce to ensure saf...

5 Types of memorable moments in corporate learning

Memorable moments are the backbone of learning, whether formalized or not. If you think of any important lesson you have ever learned in your life, you are bound to relate it to an occurrence that had...

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