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How the pandemic transformed L&D

The thing about Covid-19 is that even though we are all entirely connected to the world and had news and opinions about it, most of us were somewhat surprised when we got sent home to work. Once the s...

Top 4 leadership lessons 2020 taught us

My social media seems to be flooded lately with all kinds of memes about 2020 finally being over (with hopes that the health crisis will also end), and everyone is happy about it. There are also many ...

5 Tips for building your resilience in trying times

Resilience is a very hot subject at the present time, whether we talk about it at a personal or organizational level. For most, the term refers simply to the ability to stay afloat in rather adverse c...

Is procrastination all that bad? In praise of lazy days at work

We seem to live (and I cannot stress enough the word “seem”) in the Golden Age of productivity, both in our personal and professional lives. Just a quick scroll on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and ...

The theory of psychological safety and what it means for your organization

Over a decade ago, Professor Amy Edmondson of Harvard Business School set out to study the learning organization and what could be done so companies would learn better from their experiences. In her o...

What’s in store for the future of training: the intelligent learning platform

This post was originally published in The Cloud and SaaS Awards, on September 17, 2020. As someone with firsthand experience in training and education, I’ve come to believe that learning is a reflecti...

Leading for impact: 5 Golden rules for effective leadership

Leadership was challenging even before the year 2020 surprised us all and turned the world upside down. Since March, businesses and individuals have struggled to make the best of an otherwise bad situ...

How to drive up learner engagement in digital training

There are so many adjectives connected to learning remotely at the present time that it’s very difficult to discern which is which. There is e-learning, online learning, virtual learning, hybrid learn...

The Theatre Story Method of using storytelling in business training

Stories are almost as old as humanity itself, and their role in history has always been elemental. Recently they have been artfully exploited by everyone from big Hollywood studios, multi-national adv...

How to start with storytelling for business training

Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact. — Robert McKee Humans need stories to understand a...

4 Tips for effective listening during online professional events

One of the abilities that people seek to improve nowadays (and they are right in doing so) is public speaking. In the age of communication, it is essential to express your ideas in a clear, structured...

4 Things you shouldn’t expect from your business LMS

While Learning Management Systems have been around for some time now, their popularity skyrocketed in the context of the global crisis. Not only are they useful in delivering remote learning modules o...

The 7 questions for making coaching a habit in your organization

Coaching is a powerful leadership tool and an asset to any organization. The key is to manage to incorporate it into the corporate culture rather than using it as a purely conceptual thing that looks ...

4 Tips on providing personalized training for remote employees

A version of this post was originally published on October 19, 2020, in HR news. Covid-19 has transformed the way businesses operate today, forcing many to adopt more agile and remote working practice...

3 Obstacles to overcome when building a coaching culture

There are a few over-used terms that find their way into any organizational development plan – one of them is coaching. Everyone has a general idea about what it entails (the noun itself is rather sel...

How to ensure the long-term success of your remote team

The world of work has been forever changed this year due to the pandemic, pushing companies to quickly implement remote work practices. While maybe a few months back, we may have thought that this is ...

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