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Raluca Cristescu

Raluca Cristescu

Raluca Cristescu has over ten years of experience as a corporate trainer, focused mainly on soft skills for customer service and direct sales. She also enjoys writing about marketing and sharing best practices with knowledge entrepreneurs.

Top 3 benefits of xAPI in a training environment

We are rapidly approaching the time when our refrigerators will not only text us about what we are running out of but also make a rather informed prognosis about what health issues we might encounter ...

Desirable difficulties during the learning process

Each year when summertime is right around the corner, the need for that well-toned beach body becomes painfully apparent. There is a multitude of supplements and potions that promise to melt away the ...

Why L&D professionals should know a few marketing techniques for e-learning

If you look around you, weather you are at the office, at home or even in some means of transportation it’s highly likely you will see something (or things) that you have purchased after watching an a...

The 5 steps of Instructional Design Thinking [INFOGRAPHIC]

Training is a big part of any company’s L&D strategy. With e-learning becoming pretty much the norm these days, when a new learning intervention is necessary, designers most often take a look at the m...

Cognitive benefits of video games for adult learners

When it comes to the latest trends in e-learning design, gamification keeps coming up as the optimal solution to make the content entertaining and easily remembered. But gamification is just one way t...

4 Ways to effectively use visuals in e-learning

When PowerPoint first came out as an alternative to whiteboard and paper presentations it looked fresh, dynamic and really did its job of engaging participants and making learning fun and entertaining...

Building a learning ecosystem that works with xAPI

Learning has long found its way out of the classroom and into pretty much every aspect of life and work. It has become flexible, informal and foremost – digital. For corporate L&D departments it is ge...

First steps for building a coherent digital training strategy

We are in the twenty-first century, a time which is defined by an unprecedented surge in technology. Everybody in the modern world is somehow connected and most jobs do require more than average compu...

4 Must-haves for the best workplace learning results

Organizational success is closely related to the organization’s capacity to adapt to market conditions that change at rapid speeds. And since adaptability is inherently linked to learning, the way bus...

What instructional designers should know about Creative Commons

Not too long ago, if someone wanted to research something, they most likely needed to go to a library, read many books almost from cover to cover in order to find the need information and spend a lot ...

5 Tips for better graphic design in e-learning courses

In today’s world images matter a lot more than they used to. It’s probably because we live among screens and are constantly assaulted by alluring or aggressive visuals. Human behavior is driven by wha...

Using incentives to increase employee engagement with e-learning

Graduation day is always a memorable moment – weather it’s from middle school, high school or university. One gets to wear a robe, get a diploma while being applauded, take pictures with the extended ...

Beyond 508 – UX e-learning design

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of H...

Why creating e-learning personas can improve online training efficiency

Robert Cialdini, one of the leading experts on persuasion has come up with six basic principles that one can apply in order to get the desired response from another person. One of these six principles...

Metaphors and learning: Why instructional designers should use metaphors in L&D content

The human brain is an amazing contraption that we have yet to figure out completely. Its complexity is astounding and neuroscientists are sure not to be out of a job for a very long time. For instruct...

Video making for training – 3 steps to take before yelling “action!”

Like most business professionals, L&D specialists face the constant challenge to stay on top of the rapid developments in their field. A few years back, instructional design simply required access to ...

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