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Raluca Cristescu

Raluca Cristescu

Raluca Cristescu has over ten years of experience as a corporate trainer, focused mainly on soft skills for customer service and direct sales. She also enjoys writing about marketing and sharing best practices with knowledge entrepreneurs.

Using advertising tricks to maximize training effectiveness

When film-making first started, it was a blast just to see a short motion picture of a train entering the station. It was thrilling. As things started to evolve and Hollywood gave us all those glamoro...

How HR and L&D departments can stay on top of career mobility

When I was starting my first job, over a decade ago, career mobility literally meant having to move to another location in order to fill either the same position or a different one. So when I came acr...

4 Things to consider when training Generation Z [INFOGRAPHIC]

Gen Z , though still very young, are already workplace adjacent. With their desire to save as much as possible and get an education without also acquiring debt, they freelance from early on. Very tech...

Generation Z in the workplace

Horoscopes divide people according to their birthdates. People who are born in a certain period are supposed to share characteristics and have set compatibilities. These divisions are highly disputed;...

The antidote to dry content: using storytelling in technical training

I got my new wonderful, shiny oven over a month ago. I really wanted it and I can honestly say it was anything but inexpensive. I still don’t know how to use it though. The booklet is there, I may eve...

Why adaptive learning is a ‘must’ in your corporate learning strategy

Recently I was talking to a former colleague from a telecommunications company. She was complaining that very much has changed lately and there are tons and tons of new information, procedures and off...

5 Steps to take when designing scenario-based training courses

Scenario based learning has many obvious benefits. It has the ability to engage learners and gives them the possibility to make decisions, try out different versions of solving a particular problem an...

Scenario-based learning and its role in training

According to Eric Berne, the lead theorist of Transactional Analysis, we all live by the scripts we construct in the first five years of our lives. Depending on what we see around us, how others behav...

3 Basic tips for strategic career planning

At a first glance, it is a lot easier to get or change a job these days than it was in the past. First of all, there are a lot more ways to find out about opportunities. Secondly, there are many metho...

3 Considerations of modern career development

One of the most asked questions in job interviews is the dreaded “where do you see yourself in five years?” brain teaser. For most people it’s almost impossible to know where they would fit in a parti...

What L&D professionals need to know about motivational psychology in the workplace

Anyone who has ever wanted to lose weight, get in better shape, eat healthier or adopt a better lifestyle knows firsthand just how important motivation is. Because it takes more, a whole lot more than...

The secret sauce to training success: the ENGAGE Model [INFOGRAPHIC]

Training is no easy endeavor. Expectations on it come from so many sources, it’s utterly impossible to meet all of them. Top management wants to see palpable business results and a generous ROI on any...

8 Best practices to facilitate informal learning

Educating children and young people is the main concern of parents starting with the potty and ending with a good college. And even though formal education is definitely important and plays a big role...

The Micro-first Model for business training

Whenever somebody says they are going to take a course, we immediately think of something that is lengthy and takes no small amount of effort. That’s mainly because the educational system is still pri...

3 Steps towards a continuous learning culture

Many organizations today declare that they are seeking to transform their culture. My guess is that this happens because of the generational shift and the overall changes in the world around us. It’s ...

Top 3 benefits of adaptive learning in corporate training

Recent developments such as Virtual and Augmented Reality as well as the introduction of gamification in corporate learning are changing the face of training. The challenge still remains to engage and...

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