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Raluca Cristescu

Raluca Cristescu

Raluca Cristescu has over ten years of experience as a corporate trainer, focused mainly on soft skills for customer service and direct sales. She also enjoys writing about marketing and sharing best practices with knowledge entrepreneurs.

The secret sauce to training success: the ENGAGE Model [INFOGRAPHIC]

Training is no easy endeavor. Expectations on it come from so many sources, it’s utterly impossible to meet all of them. Top management wants to see palpable business results and a generous ROI on any...

8 Best practices to facilitate informal learning

Educating children and young people is the main concern of parents starting with the potty and ending with a good college. And even though formal education is definitely important and plays a big role...

The Micro-first Model for business training

Whenever somebody says they are going to take a course, we immediately think of something that is lengthy and takes no small amount of effort. That’s mainly because the educational system is still pri...

3 Steps towards a continuous learning culture

Many organizations today declare that they are seeking to transform their culture. My guess is that this happens because of the generational shift and the overall changes in the world around us. It’s ...

Top 3 benefits of adaptive learning in corporate training

Recent developments such as Virtual and Augmented Reality as well as the introduction of gamification in corporate learning are changing the face of training. The challenge still remains to engage and...

4 Awesome tips for successful classroom training

It seems these days that all new articles that come out about corporate learning have to do with the electronic version of the activity. It’s natural since it is the way most companies choose to go th...

A great customer experience starts with leadership

Customer experience is key. Everybody agrees that in this day and age, one negative customer review can deeply hurt even the strongest businesses. We book our vacations according to what other tourist...

Nailing the basics of customer experience with Mickey Mouse

Remember Mickey Mouse and Pluto? It never really made sense for a mouse to have a dog but they were funny and made us smile so we were always happy to see them. Never overthinking, just feeling it. We...

3 Types of stories that work in training

Long ago, the king of Syracuse suspected that his crown was not made entirely out of gold and asked Archimedes to figure out a way to verify it. The ancient scientist thought long and hard about it be...

5 Skills for the post-automation workforce

Automation is upon us whether we like it or not. The world is constantly striving for progress and these days it’s all going digital – and I do mean all. If today it’s safe to say that there is an int...

Why companies should prepare for the post-automation workforce

We have all heard the expression “a trained monkey could to that job”. It is usually meat as an offense to someone who is not doing very well at what seems a rather simple task. Yet in spite of the fr...

Exploring the onboarding process

Workforce mobility is at its highest right now with people constantly looking for new and better opportunities. HR departments are already aware of these trends and act accordingly by keeping an eye o...

Doing a Training Needs Analysis for the future

A lot of times training happens as a consequence of management requests. Sometimes a learning intervention really is required, other times another type of approach is more suited but either way, the L...

How to do a TNA for existing content

Holidays are just great. Food-related holidays are even greater, especially when there is a gifted cook in the family who can prepare an amazing feast. Usually a lot gets fried, boiled, steamed, cream...

The need for a Training Needs Analysis

There is a common practice in today’s corporate world to use training as a solution for pretty much everything. Employees are tired and demotivated? Let’s have a nice, light training session to take t...

The neuroscience of attention and why instructional designers should know about it

You know all those classic arguments couples have that begin with “I told you but you never listen!”? In truth, the listening part is not the issue, the remembering (or absence of) is the real problem...

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