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Digital learning environment (5)

Distance learning during the pandemic: Improvise. Adapt. Overcome!

A version of this post was originally published in the April 2020 E-Learning Supplement of Education Today. Strange. Challenging. Hopeful. These are probably the best adjectives that describe the time...

What’s next? Lessons from the lockdown on traditional education

At this point, you’ve probably heard enough of the recent changes brought about by the pandemic. While it’s important to discuss what is happening right now, we’ve had enough time to also think about ...

How distance learning fosters global collaboration

Faced with a pandemic that has dramatically altered the way we do practically everything in a matter of weeks, teachers, in particular, have been tossed outside of their comfort zones as schools remai...

Actionable advice for educators to move to online learning

At this point, you’ve probably mastered the intricacies of digital conferencing to communicate with your students. You’re getting comfortable with a new schedule, technology, and online grading. But, ...

On challenges and opportunities: Emergency remote teaching

The social distancing measures imposed by various governments in their attempt to contain the spread of the new Coronavirus have forced many schools and universities across the globe to halt face to f...

4 Tips for making the transition to remote learning a smooth one

As the new coronavirus becomes an increasingly integral aspect of daily life, the onset of an extended remote learning platform looms near. While the remote learning format may be a temporary solution...

6 Building blocks for a successful edtech strategy

Building a successful edtech strategy boils down to goal setting and finding the right foundations from the beginning. Even if that sounds simple, there are some barriers that technology specialists a...

Top 7 remote learning tips your students should know

For full-time distance education students, recent events have brought almost zero changes to their learning process. However, for the majority, school closures caused quite a shock and a big disruptio...

What are the benefits of investing in online education?

Most people consider the traditional brick and mortar classroom as the best way of educating children. Back in the day, traditional learning in a classroom with face to face interaction with the teach...

Adopting the asynchronous mindset for better online learning

The spread of the coronavirus these past few days and weeks is affecting the lives of people worldwide and we are all confronted with great challenges. Schools may have their gates closed, but educati...

What’s edtech got to do with growth mindset?

I remember it as if it was yesterday. It was the first week of fifth grade and I was so ready to learn History. I had spent the previous summer poring over an Ancient Egypt book so it had to become my...

The 9 elements of Digital Citizenship your students need to know [INFOGRAPHIC]

This post has been updated on July 8, 2020. With the rise of the Internet, we have become more and more present in the online world. This has come with its own sets regulations which we have to abide ...

How edtech is improving special education

Technology has transformed the world. In the realm of education, devices and e-learning technologies enable students with special needs to take greater ownership of their learning experience. These op...

Top e-learning trends to keep an eye on in 2020

If e-learning came to life as a method to augment face-to-face learning, it is now an approach to education that is bigger than the traditional method it was meant to support. The world of education h...

How to build your global classroom in 4 steps

Globalization has an impact on various aspects of our lives. We live in an age where global issues that affect us all are pushing us to collaborate and to understand different perspectives. In schools...

Debunking 5 digital storytelling misconceptions

Stories hold the key for unlocking the door towards powerful learning experiences. As a teacher, you’ll find that stories play a huge part in your students’ lives. They might be obsessing over their f...

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