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CYPHER Learning Blog


8 Ways surveys help school leaders make better decisions

School leaders have to make crucial decisions all the time. Some of these may have short-term effects, but others have a lasting impact on future generations of students. While there’s no denying that...

5 Awesome online tools for game-based learning

I have long believed that spring presents an excellent time for educators to explore new ideas and try some new digital tools in the classroom. As we look to boost student engagement with the content ...

5 Digital tools for podcasting in the hybrid classroom

When used as a tool for sharing knowledge and thoughts, podcasts become an innovative teaching method. Teachers can create personalized materials for lessons, content for research and revision, fun fa...

Why flipping the classroom just makes sense

A version of this post was originally published in Education World, in March 2021. Covid-19 has impacted the world in many ways, but it has also laid the foundations for astonishing transformation in ...

Why self-compassion is important for teachers

Teaching is, in its essence, a caregiving profession. We all have that one teacher who inspired us to aim higher, choose a certain career path, or simply discover our passions. This role comes with ma...

Overcoming the challenges of online learning for students with disabilities

The COVID-19 pandemic will have far-reaching consequences for years to come. The past year has caused significant disruption to the education system, with the need to maintain safe distances resulting...

The uberization of Higher Education: fad or fab?

With the enormous changes brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, there is a new kid on the block that people seem to be talking about a lot lately: the uberization of education. The topic is not new. Once ...

Taking a closer look at IoT's transformative potential in education

Starting as a connection of non-standard devices to the Internet, such as smart thermostats, lighting, locks, or speakers, the Internet of Things (IoT) has had applications in various domains with the...

Podcast pedagogy: Leveraging audio programs for learning

It was probably over ten years ago when our after-school multi-media club began creating podcasts for our school using GarageBand on our MacBook Pro. The students put a lot of work into each episode -...

Building a culture of academic integrity in a remote learning environment

If you're worried about academic integrity while teaching remotely, you’re not alone. A recent survey indicates that 93% of teachers believe students are more likely to cheat if attending school onlin...

7 Activities to improve online class participation rates

Are you happy with how your online class is going? All teachers will answer this question at one point or another. A low participation rate is usually one of the biggest problems with online classes. ...

Spring into creativity with these 5 digital tools!

As a language teacher, I am always looking for new ideas or tools for my students to try in our classroom that enables them to create something more authentic and personalized. Providing my students w...

6 Ways to build meaningful online teacher-student relationships

As a teacher, one of the greatest joys is seeing your students’ eyes light up when they learn something new. We’ve all had that teacher who made us like a subject simply because their personality and ...

How to overcome digital fatigue as a teacher

Teachers have a saying: There's no tired like teacher-tired. Being a teacher has always been a tough job that can drain the last ounce of energy out of you regularly. In the past year, "teacher-tired"...

Using the school LMS to provide emotional support in remote learning

If there’s anything we have learned from the past year’s events, it’s that well-being is now more important than ever. In truth, we can’t ask students to do great in any circumstances. Schools must cr...

How edtech strengthens parental engagement in online learning

Education is a continuous process that starts even before a child goes to school. It starts at home: the first teachers a child has are their parents. While the student goes through the formal steps w...

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