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Course design (7)

3 Tips on how to create user-centered e-learning design

The app market is a brutal place these days. There are so many competing for the same users that only the very best make the cut. Much of our lives have moved into our devices (I am not going to debat...

The art of training — Is it really art?

I, personally, am all for art for the people. I love art (well, at least the one I understand, I have to admit there’s a lot of the modern artistic expression I don’t really get). Still, I think we te...

3 Best practices for L&D surveys that can be applied right away

If there is one thing that keeps coming up, whether it’s about designing engaging content, making the right videos for learning or mapping out the best course paths for learners, that is the ever so i...

Using advertising tricks to maximize training effectiveness

When film-making first started, it was a blast just to see a short motion picture of a train entering the station. It was thrilling. As things started to evolve and Hollywood gave us all those glamoro...

The antidote to dry content: using storytelling in technical training

I got my new wonderful, shiny oven over a month ago. I really wanted it and I can honestly say it was anything but inexpensive. I still don’t know how to use it though. The booklet is there, I may eve...

5 Steps to take when designing scenario-based training courses

Scenario based learning has many obvious benefits. It has the ability to engage learners and gives them the possibility to make decisions, try out different versions of solving a particular problem an...

Scenario-based learning and its role in training

According to Eric Berne, the lead theorist of Transactional Analysis, we all live by the scripts we construct in the first five years of our lives. Depending on what we see around us, how others behav...

What L&D professionals need to know about motivational psychology in the workplace

Anyone who has ever wanted to lose weight, get in better shape, eat healthier or adopt a better lifestyle knows firsthand just how important motivation is. Because it takes more, a whole lot more than...

The secret sauce to training success: the ENGAGE Model [INFOGRAPHIC]

Training is no easy endeavor. Expectations on it come from so many sources, it’s utterly impossible to meet all of them. Top management wants to see palpable business results and a generous ROI on any...

The neuroscience of attention and why instructional designers should know about it

You know all those classic arguments couples have that begin with “I told you but you never listen!”? In truth, the listening part is not the issue, the remembering (or absence of) is the real problem...

Top 3 benefits of xAPI in a training environment

We are rapidly approaching the time when our refrigerators will not only text us about what we are running out of but also make a rather informed prognosis about what health issues we might encounter ...

Desirable difficulties during the learning process

Each year when summertime is right around the corner, the need for that well-toned beach body becomes painfully apparent. There is a multitude of supplements and potions that promise to melt away the ...

The 5 steps of Instructional Design Thinking [INFOGRAPHIC]

Training is a big part of any company’s L&D strategy. With e-learning becoming pretty much the norm these days, when a new learning intervention is necessary, designers most often take a look at the m...

Cognitive benefits of video games for adult learners

When it comes to the latest trends in e-learning design, gamification keeps coming up as the optimal solution to make the content entertaining and easily remembered. But gamification is just one way t...

4 Ways to effectively use visuals in e-learning

When PowerPoint first came out as an alternative to whiteboard and paper presentations it looked fresh, dynamic and really did its job of engaging participants and making learning fun and entertaining...

What instructional designers should know about Creative Commons

Not too long ago, if someone wanted to research something, they most likely needed to go to a library, read many books almost from cover to cover in order to find the need information and spend a lot ...

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