
When it's time to let go of an LMS

I have this habit of holding onto things even when they’re broken or not functioning properly anymore. For example, my previous phone was terrible. Online browsing wasn’t something I could do easily, emails would take forever to sync, and spending time looking at kitties on Pinterest simply wasn’t an option. I was OK with my phone not being able to do these things, as long as I could make and receive calls. I’ve never been the kind of person that stays glued to her phone anyway.

But after a while things got worse. My phone was giving signs of collapsing, calls started to get interrupted, people couldn’t hear me well, and so on. Of course, I kept saying that I don’t need a new one. As you may guess, this wasn’t the case and my phone died while I was on vacation thousand of miles away from home. Wasn’t I lucky?

The lesson here is that you don’t have to wait until something is completely broken to change it. Do it the easy way and change it at the first sign that it might crack.

Why are companies reluctant to changing their LMS

Sometimes it’s hard for people to let go. Even when something is not working anymore. The same thing happens with companies. There are a lot of companies that still use very old LMSs or training systems, with no intention of changing them. Why does this happen?

The are a few reasons why companies are reluctant to changing their LMS:

1. They don’t want to let go of the old system. Companies are afraid of change, because getting a new LMS means moving all data from one system to another and learning how to use it from scratch. But this task can be as difficult as you make it. If you take the necessary steps to prepare for the LMS migration and train employees accordingly, then everything should go smoothly.

2. They are afraid that getting a new LMS might be more expensive. While this can be true, these companies save pennies and lose dollars on this thought. Costs can be minimized by picking the right LMS and using it efficiently. More money is wasted by using an outdated system that doesn’t perform well and decreases employee productivity.

3. They don’t know how to choose a new LMS. Currently there are more than 670 LMSs on the market, so yes, picking one might seem a daunting job. However, the stress of choosing a new LMS can be reduced radically, by knowing exactly what you’re looking for. And companies already know that, because they know what’s not working with the current system.

So when it’s time to let go of your LMS?

The circumstances might be different for every company, but here are some common cases. Please upgrade your LMS when:

The user interface is outdated and not responsive. Maybe your current LMS is a very robust system with a lot of features, but do your employees enjoy using it? Can they spend hours in front of the user interface without getting tired? Does the LMS UI adjust to different browser sizes? Please let it go if it doesn’t. There is no reason for any vendor in today’s world to not offer a responsive product.

It’s missing some key features. Well then, why are you still using it? Or maybe should I ask, how did you end up using it in the first place? Please step away from that LMS immediately and find yourself what you were really looking for.

It’s too complicated. Every single configuration or task in an LMS should be done within a few clicks. An LMS shouldn’t be like a maze where you try to find your way out. Everything should be easy to use and configure. If you’re spending more than a few minutes to set up, use, or import anything, do pick another system.

Have I made you question your LMS? Good, I was hoping for that. Remember that change doesn’t have to be difficult and I’m sure there is a LMS solution on the market suited for each company. Let us know in the comments section below what you don’t like about your LMS.