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News (2)

CYPHER celebrates 35 G2 badges of excellence in Winter 2023

CYPHER Learning was awarded 35 badges from G2, the largest and most trusted software marketplace, in their latest winter report. Among the distinctions were, “Easiest Admin Enterprise,” "Best Usabilit...

CYPHER wins gold in Brandon Hall Group awards

CYPHER Learning won two gold awards and one bronze award in Brandon Hall Group’s prestigious Excellence in Technology Awards. These awards include a gold award for “Best Advance in Emerging Learning T...

8 Predictions for AI in 2024

1. Reactive to proactive AI 2024 brings the dawn of AI’s genuine assistive power – and value. We’ll see more instances of AI autonomously assisting you. The iterations we see now operate in reactive m...

CYPHER Learning achieves Smartchoice Preferred Provider certification by Brandon Hall Group

Brandon Hall Group dubs CYPHER Learning a “supercharged next-generation technology” that “delivers unparalleled accuracy and precision in learning.” After conducting in-depth briefings and a thorough ...

Talented Learning names CYPHER a top 15 learning system

Talented Learning is a renowned research and consulting firm that specializes in learning technology. Since 2015, Talented Learning has done in-depth analyses, independent reviews, and attended busine...

CYPHER celebrates 39 G2 badges of excellence in Fall 2023

CYPHER Learning was awarded 39 badges from G2, the largest and most trusted software marketplace, in their latest fall report. Among the distinctions were, “Best Usability,” “Best Results Mid-Market,”...

How HR Can Get More from AI Generated Content with Graham Glass

HR Chat host Bill Banham interviews Graham Glass and discusses the benefits of using AI in learning and development. Graham discusses CYPHER Learning's newest platform CYPHER Copilot and how the platf...

Graham Glass quoted by Forbes' on Creating a Culture of Continuous L&D

Graham Glass responded to one of Forbes’ Expert Panel questions earlier this year and is featured in a new article: How To Create A Company Culture Of Continuous Learning And Development. On the topic...

The Entrepreneurs Blog turns 3!

Three years ago, we published our very first blog post, titled The rise of the knowledge entrepreneur. Since then, we have written over 300 articles related to online course design, marketing and sell...

The Entrepreneurs Blog turns 2!

April has some extra special meaning for the INDIE team. Just two years ago, we published our first blog post. Since then, we went past the 200 posts mark. Each April, we look back to the previous yea...

The K-20 Blog just turned 5!

November has some extra special meaning for the NEO team. Each November, we look back to the previous 12 months, and then all the way back to the very first post published on the K-20 Blog, to reflect...

The Business Blog just turned 5!

November has some extra special meaning for the MATRIX team. Each November, we look back to the previous 12 months, and then all the way back to the very first post published on the Business Blog, to ...

Anniversary edition: Top 10 posts of the Entrepreneurs Blog

This is a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty across the world. We are all being forced out of our comfort zones and pushed to overcome some challenges we couldn’t even consider possible just...

The K-20 Blog is now 4!

It’s that magical time of the year again! No, I'm not referring to Thanksgiving Day, nor to Black Friday, not even to Christmas; even though you can't really ignore all the hustle and bustle that has ...

The Business Blog is now 4!

November 10th marked the happy anniversary of the Business Blog! It turned four! It’s been four years since the very first blog post has been published on this blog. How time flies! In this fourth yea...

INDIE says Hello!

Welcome to the Entrepreneurs Blog! We’re so happy to have you here, dear reader! We hope you’ll visit us frequently from now on. We think you’ll like our blog posts. Why? Because everybody is an entre...

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