
The Entrepreneurs Blog turns 3!

Three years ago, we published our very first blog post, titled The rise of the knowledge entrepreneur. Since then, we have written over 300 articles related to online course design, marketing and selling online courses. Of course, we also strive to bring you the best and latest trends and information to help you use e-learning technology to your advantage.

Also, we’re happy to welcome more subscribers and visitors, as website traffic has increased by 70% since this time last year!

Turning three is a great reason to celebrate and say “Thank you” to all Entrepreneurs Blog readers!

Top 10 posts on the Entrepreneurs Blog

In the past year, we’ve continued to explore many topics that are helpful for course creators and really anyone interested in starting their online course business journey. While we think that there’s something useful for everybody in all of our articles, this is a list of the top ten blog posts from the past twelve months that we believe deserve a special mention:

  1. 5 Elements of conversion-focused e-learning design

    E-learning design is a course creator’s calling card. It has two main purposes: to look good and enhance the information on your page or learning platform. The trick to making it conversion-focused is to keep a balance between the two and not let one overtake the other.

  2. 6 Marketing automation tools for your small e-learning business

    While knowing the theoretical aspects of running a small business is great, practice makes perfect. Find out what marketing automation can do for your e-learning business, exploring six marketing automation tools that any e-learning entrepreneur can use to generate more leads.

  3. How to avoid customer churn as a knowledge entrepreneur

    Breaking up isn’t easy, whether it’s in real life or in business. You should work on your relationship with your customers to prevent them from leaving. However, if some of them leave anyway, make sure you know why and do your best to change whatever is needed.

  4. Why you should apply Universal Design for Learning in online courses

    The Universal Design for Learning framework is based on scientific insights into how people learn. Here’s how each knowledge entrepreneur can make their online courses accessible to a larger audience by providing multiple means of engagement, representation and expression.

  5. Audience segmentation for faster online course results

    Learners have individual expectations and pain points. They might choose to unsubscribe from your email list or drop out of your online course, but you still have a few tricks up your sleeve to make them stay. Audience segmentation is one of the most important ones!

  6. 7 Ways to tell if your website looks great on all devices

    Good design means that you can go about your day and never pay attention to it, but it’s glaringly obvious when missing. Learn more about the three things any course entrepreneur should know about responsive design and make sure that your website looks great on all devices.

  7. Freelancer, solopreneur, or entrepreneur – What are you?

    Freelancers, solopreneurs and entrepreneurs usually move away from the traditional workforce model to become self-employed. There are challenges as well as rewards in this endeavor and no choice is superior to another. You just have to find the one that works best for you.

  8. Why you should consider creating multi-language e-learning content

    Multi-language e-learning content allows you to expand your business and increase revenue while offering learners access to education in their native language. It contributes to a more inclusive e-learning environment, which has many advantages for you and your learners.

  9. Top 7 learner motivation issues and how to fix them

    Learner motivation issues are one of the biggest problems that online course entrepreneurs will ever face. It’s very discouraging to see learners drop out of your course after spending so much time, money and energy on creating it. So here are seven solutions that can help you navigate these challenges.

  10. 5 LMS analytics for a successful online course business

    LMS analytics help you understand how well your courses sell and how to engage learners. You can also use these insights to focus on sales growth and improve your website’s overall performance, leading to a more successful online course business.

Happy anniversary Entrepreneurs Blog!

This month is all about you, our reader, and how you inspire us to do better and explore more topics related to the world of e-learning.

In the meantime, don’t forget to check out CYPHER Learning’s brand new website and browse the INDIE tour page for more information about how we help entrepreneurs worldwide create, manage and sell online courses.

CYPHER Learning new website