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The difference between a modern LMS and conventional systems

The difference between a modern LMS and conventional systems

Online learning is more relevant than ever in today’s business training environment, and companies continue to adapt their training to the needs of the modern employee who can no longer engage in in-person learning as the go-to training method.

In this context, learning management systems (LMSs) have seen a renewal of interest and widespread adoption. And that’s not all: the LMS as we know it has changed and become more efficient thanks to built-in automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and predictive analytics, among other innovations. However, not all LMS solutions are able to support modern learning and current innovations to learning because they weren’t built for modern learners. And that's what this post is about: defining what makes a learning management system modern.

Defining a modern learning platform for business

Simply put, a modern LMS is a learning management system that supports current technologies and was built specifically for the modern learner. A modern LMS is characterized by several features that distinguish it from conventional systems:

  • Cloud-based focus: a modern LMS is typically cloud-based, making it accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it more easy and convenient to use than traditional LMS platforms that weren't built for modern learners. Many of these solutions started as on-premise solutions, installed on a local computer or server.
  • User-friendly, intuitive, and personalized for modern learners: modern LMSs are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, with a focus on creating engaging and interactive learning experiences. This is achieved through the use of multimedia including video, animation, simulations, as well as sophisticated gamification elements.
  • Modern learning approach: learning approaches are different across LMS platforms. They include ad hoc, topic-based, competency-based learning and more. The way we learn has changed and some learning platforms simply can't keep up. It’s important that your organization’s learning requirements and goals align with a modern learning approach: a method of instruction and evaluation that focuses on an individual learner’s progress where learners advance by demonstrating their mastery of a subject through a range of valid and accurate competency assessments.
  • Support for scalable automation, AI, analytics, skill development, gamification, and more
  • Mobile learning support: modern LMSs allow learners to access content on their mobile devices without limitations. This is particularly important in today's world where many people use their smartphones and tablets as their primary computing device.
  • Integration flexibility: a modern LMS must be able to integrate with other tools and systems, including social media platforms, e-commerce tools, and HR management software to provide a more comprehensive learning experience. This integration enables learners to access a wide range of tools and resources, and makes it easier for instructors and administrators to manage and track training programs.
  • Analytics and reporting: with insights into the effectiveness of your training programs and the impact that they have on your stakeholders, you can make data-driven decisions that lead to improved outcomes and better business results. With automation, repetitive manual tasks can be eliminated and reports can be automated to be generated and delivered at a certain time and date. Create customized reports, track learner progress and performance, automate learning recommendations, and evaluate and optimize the effectiveness of the training program.

The benefits of the modern LMS for businesses

The modern LMS offers a dynamic, user-centered learning experience. Here are some of the main benefits:

  • Personalized recommendations: there are many reasons why corporate training often fails and one of the major ones is that companies stick to an old-fashioned standardized approach. The lack of learning personalization can be detrimental to training efficiency and employee productivity. In the US, companies spend around 50 billion dollars on training payroll yearly. However, many organizations still struggle to improve their training programs’ ROI, partially due to a lack of flexibility in meeting employees’ real needs. For example, 49 percent of employees prefer to engage in training only when necessary. Mandatory courses can be perceived as a waste of time instead of a growth opportunity. Moreover, since adaptability is one of the top soft skills companies look for in new hires, they should also prioritize increased flexibility.
  • Effective mentoring: with a modern LMS, trainers maintain the lead role by creating, assigning courses, evaluating learners and providing feedback. However, employees can also act as mentors and coaches for each other. ILPs encourage learners with similar skills and interests to form learning communities. They benefit from help from other learners who have the same goals and have mastered certain competencies. Trainers can create groups and communities of users with similar goals and aptitudes and enhance communication and knowledge dissemination.
  • More diverse training resources: One of the main advantages of a modern LMS is that it allows organizations to leverage both internal and external resources. Many LMSs focus on courses created within a company by its L&D department, offering little or no links to third-party content. Instead, modern LMSs connect learners with third-party content. Paired with the personalized recommendations system, more diverse content ensures that each learner receives the training materials that will help them level up their professional skills.
  • Easy goal monitoring: Modern LMS allow trainers to access real-time analytics. Hence, they have a clear overview of each learner and course performance. There are different types of goals that trainers can add to an intelligent learning platform for business. For example, an employee might choose “I want to become a Senior Graphic Designer.” This goal is associated with certain competencies, such as learning how to use certain graphic design software. Also, employees can set learning goals for themselves, complete different courses related to them and go through an evaluation process. Trainers can easily monitor employee progress from their dashboard and offer encouragement or help. Learners can also see where they are and how many courses they must complete before reaching their goals.

CYPHER: the best modern learning platform for business training and development

CYPHER Learning is the only LMS company on the market that provides a modern learning platform for each e-learning segment: academia, business, and entrepreneurs. Unlike conventional LMS platforms. CYPHER was built for the modern learner and supports sophisticated site-wide automation, competency-based learning, over sixteen learning assessment types, world-class gamification, personalized skills development, enterprise-strength integrations, thoughtful human-centered connections (forums, 50+ languages, Universal Translator, wikis, chat, etc.), robust analytics and reporting, and AI infused teacher and instructor copilots to accelerate and scale engaging modern learning.

Supporting thousands of integrations, the CYPHER platform allows for seamless integration with other business systems like HRIS and CRMs to provide a more holistic view of learning progress and performance, which enables organizations to make data-driven decisions and optimize training programs on the fly to meet their business goals.

With CYPHER, you can ensure that your modern learners have access to the latest learning tools, features, and content, which is crucial in today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment. By staying ahead of the technical curve, your organization can increase engagement and participation, retain top talent, and gain a competitive edge.

Learn more about the CYPHER platform for business.