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Ioana Moldovan

Ioana Moldovan

Ioana is the Blog Coordinator for CYPHER LEARNING and has a background in psychology and training. She enjoys writing about the intersection between learning and technology as a powerful tool for change and opening up new possibilities for learners.

ISTE 2022: Meet the NEO team, get your demo, attend sessions and win prizes!

The 2021-2022 school year may be drawing to a close, but educational conference season is in full swing. And while attending conferences to learn about using technology in the classroom during any par...

ATD 2022: Meet the CYPHER LEARNING team and get a personalized MATRIX LMS demo

After a two-year break, events have returned in full swing. Many people are eager to go back to in-person meetings, exchange ideas and network with like-minded professionals — talent development exper...

The Entrepreneurs Blog turns 3!

Three years ago, we published our very first blog post, titled The rise of the knowledge entrepreneur. Since then, we have written over 300 articles related to online course design, marketing and sell...

Meet the CYPHER LEARNING team at Bett 2022

The conference season is in full swing, with many opportunities for connecting with like-minded education technology enthusiasts around the world. Now more than ever, it’s the perfect time to find ins...

Meet NEO at FETC 2022!

Helping students continue their education during the pandemic has been a topic of concern since the very beginning. It’s safe to say that it’s still a critical issue and one that needs all of our atte...

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