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4 Popular misconceptions about Virtual Reality in education - K-20 Blog

Written by Judith Pascal | Jun 28, 2018 7:00:00 AM

When the words Virtual Reality are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the image of a gamer wearing a headset. However, the applications of VR have moved far beyond gaming and entertainment.

In the educational sector, VR provides meaningful and novel ways to connect with both students and teachers. It can stimulate real-world environments to enable experiential learning. Students can record their work, test their skills and get guidance from experts, all within the system. Also, this type of active learner engagement is enjoyed by students. As a result, VR can help improve learning and is appreciated by pupils and teachers alike.

The use of VR techniques in classrooms is becoming a more common practice, and there are now several centers dedicated to virtual and augmented learning around the world. This will eventually turn into a universal phenomenon as students who are taught using these methods pursue college degrees and then enter the workforce.

Popular misconceptions about Virtual Reality in education

Despite its many benefits, there are some common misconceptions about Virtual Reality that keep people from embracing this type of technology. Here are some of the more common ones.

  1. Virtual Reality technology is more for gamers than students

    The most common misconception about Virtual Reality is that its only applications are gaming and entertainment. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. When used as an educational tool, this type of technology provides endless benefits for students. Its full potential in the field of education is being discovered every day, and there’s still a lot more to come.

  2. A lot of equipment is required

    Several cutting-edge companies have developed VR headsets that are fully classroom ready. They don’t even need additional mobile devices to deliver a completely immersive experience. The headsets can be managed wirelessly by a portal controlled by the teacher. These headsets are ideal for students and are easy to use. They are comfortable and come with long-lasting batteries. So the days of being hooked up to tons of wires and devices to experience virtual reality are far behind us.

  3. Virtual Reality does not enhance learning and retention

    Taking children on a field trip to visit a zoo or a museum is an ideal way to teach them about the world. But how can you make sure they retain all the information they’ve been exposed to? This is where Virtual Reality comes in. Using this technology, teachers can extend learning even after the trip is over.

    Information retention is enhanced as students immerse themselves in the virtual world. They can relive the excitement they felt and step back into the experience. These techniques can even be used to expand their knowledge of the world by teaching them new things. Using Virtual reality to teach is also particularly beneficial for students who struggle with paying attention in regular classroom environments.

  4. This technology does not support students with special needs

    When it comes to students with special needs and learning challenges, Virtual Reality opens up exciting and new opportunities. For instance, it is a safe and comfortable way for children with autism to learn by immersing themselves in a 360° video. They are given headphones and told that they can disconnect if necessary at any time. Schools can design and send their own content to student headsets with the help of a simple portal. Before heading on a school trip, students with disabilities can get the chance to experience unfamiliar environments ahead of time, so that they feel more comfortable in their surroundings.

Final thoughts

The misconceptions about the role of Virtual Reality in education are completely unfounded. Learning techniques that incorporate VR are linked directly to improved cognition and academic performance in students. The use of these techniques to educate future generations will revolutionize the way they learn and interact with the world. It will also open them up to a whole world of new possibilities.