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How to make a great sales page for your course: the copy - Entrepreneurs Blog

Written by Raluca Cristescu | Dec 17, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Think of the times you were walking down the street and your attention got caught by a really nice window shop. You could spend quite some time admiring it, and it made you want to go in and purchase what was there – unfortunately, they often had a sign saying: “display items not for sale”.

There was a lot of thought (and no small degree of science) in how those windows were set up, and if you want to be successful in selling your online course, you’ll have to manage to do the same, only this time in an online format.

Setting up an efficient sales page is equal to those wonderfully mesmerizing shop displays with the great advantage that you can quickly sell what you showcase without having to rearrange everything afterward.

How to make a great sales page for your course: the copy

There are essentially two things that are important when designing a sales page – the design and the copy.

Even if you are not a skilled web designer yourself, there are quite a lot of apps and programs that can help you do a marvelous job. If you have the budget for it, you can also hire a freelancer to that for you.

When it comes to the copy, that should come easy for you to create, as it’s mostly about the course and why it brings value to the learners. In order to make it compelling enough, you’ll need to have a good idea about who your audience is and what makes them want to spend money on something. A little research will go a long way, as personalization is the key to all doors in present-day digital marketing.

What you need to know about your target audience

When you are doing your homework on your buyer persona, there are several aspects you ought to investigate and a few questions you’ll need to find answers to before setting about to create the copy on your landing page. You have to familiarize yourself with quite a lot about them, from basic demographics to core beliefs and online preferences (including what social media platforms they mostly go to).

Read more: 6 Key elements that should be on your online course landing page

Some of the questions to find answers to are:

  • Where can I find my audience?
  • What is their preferred approach when it comes to businesses?
  • What sort of content appeals to them?
  • Will my writing engage and make them curious?
  • Why would they choose to buy my course?
  • What are they likely to pay for it?

Matching the answers to these questions to your customer persona will ensure that you are on the right track and you can proceed to writing the copy for the page, covering not as much the characteristics but the uses and benefits of your material.

Talk about the characteristics of your course

Whenever a product is described for sales purposes, three categories get covered: the characteristics, the practical uses, and the benefits of the item in question.

When you present your course, you should, of course, talk about how long it is, how many modules it comprises, what is the platform it runs on, the teaching methods you employed, and whatever else you think is of importance.

As relevant as these aspects are, they have no bearing on a customer’s decision to purchase. People don’t buy a TV because it is so many inches wide, a phone because it is made of aluminum, or a coat because it’s knitted from organic wool. They buy the TV because it’s a size that works for them, the phone because it has an ideal weight, and the coat because it’s warm and eco-friendly. These are not characteristics but advantages those products have over others.

Make the advantages of taking your course stand out

What will the course help the learners achieve?

This is the question you need to answer in order to come up with those advantages or uses that customers need to see in order to be convinced of the fortuity of buying your course. Ideally, they should find solutions to one or more of their pain points.

If you manage to articulate precisely in which ways your course will be comprehensive enough, light enough, or warm enough, you are one step closer to them clicking on that ‘add to basket’ button.

It is, however, very important that what you state at this point is actually true. Yes, we all know that publicity sometimes exaggerates, and that is precisely why the public no longer trusts it very much. Being an entrepreneur, you need to set up a genuine and trustworthy brand, so make your course sound good but not so good it’s no longer true.

Read more: 6 Personal branding tips for knowledge entrepreneurs

The personalized benefits will help you close the sale

The last but most important thing you need to incorporate in your copy is the list of benefits your course will bring to those who enroll and complete it. This means taking the uses or advantages one step farther and personalizing them to fit your target buyer.

Your potential customers need to feel that you know them, and the material you are promoting is exactly what they were looking for.

Benefits are less tangible but immensely more effective in encouraging people to go from merely interested to absolutely invested. When you think of benefits, do so in the lines of universally accepted values and adapt those to the precise list that your audience is more likely to adhere to.

For example, Millennials are known for their desire to constantly improve themselves, so if that’s who you are targeting, list ‘gaining mastery in [insert subject of your course here] as a benefit.

Read more: Online courses that are in high demand right now [Part 2]

Stay tuned!

Writing the copy for your sale page will take no small amount of research and time. It is best to get feedback from a representative group before you put it online, and don’t publish anything until you are 100% sure it’s the right thing.

Once you have the perfect wording, it is time to focus on presentation. And that’s precisely what we’re going to explore next time. So keep an eye on the Entrepreneurs Blog!