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L&D leaders (16)

Why companies should consider long-boarding their employees

You only have one chance to make a good first impression. Whether you're meeting your future in-laws for the first time, or it's your first day at a new company, people will make an opinion of you bas...

Just-in-time learning in the workplace

I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught. Winston Churchill I think all adults can relate to this. Especially employees, when it comes to training. Formal training just f...

How big data changes the training scenery

We live in a world of data. Money is no longer our only currency; big data is catching up. Until recently, the more data a business had — about how to improve their product/service, about the competit...

Why experiential learning is so important in the workplace

This post has been updated on April 7, 2020. Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience. Simply said, it's learning by doing. We all learn better when we are directly involved...

Must-have skills for successful e-learning professionals

From corporations to start-ups and non-profit organizations, every company relies on its workforce — its people — to be successful and constantly grow. Since the currency of the business world is info...

Equipping your team for the future with personalized learning

When I was a kid, 20 years ago, I had a tricycle and I was cool. Ten years ago, all the cool kids had sneakers with rollers in the heels. Today, tricycles are kind of vintage, while roler-sneakers are...

Is it really worth paying for online courses?

After inventing the wheel, our ancestors needed something to ease the trade between all of the goods that could be moved faster thanks to the circular innovation. So they invented money — another circ...

Why blended learning paves the way to business success

Information is the currency of today. Until recently, the more information a business had, the better their chances to rise above everyone else and advance in the profitable part of the market. But "t...

Will augmented reality revolutionize training?

There has been a lot of talking in the last past years on the Internet of Things and how our lives will be more and more interconnected with technology. Wearable computers are the means and augmented ...

Why should you consider marketing courses to employees?

“Change is the only constant.” I don't know who said this, in what year, or in which context, but I feel it is a general truth. You know, like the Sun rises in the morning and the boiling temperature ...

Laura Overton’s 4 Tips for L&D leaders on how to make a lasting impact in 2016

Last week's Learning Technologies conference in London was the Super Bowl event for anyone involved in e-learning and workplace learning. With more than 7,000 visitors (yours truly among them), 250 ex...

Selling online courses: What you need to know

The market for online courses has witnessed an incredible growth over the past few years, and this is mostly due to all the technological advances in e-learning. With just an internet connection and a...

The power of emotions on learning

Emotions are like colors. We can categorize them, like happiness, sadness, aggressiveness or excitement (to name a few), just like we do with colors: red, green, yellow, blue... A lot of emotions belo...

Why all the hype surrounding augmented learning?

Did you ever break a toy when you were little because you were curious about what's inside it? I did — more than once — and I was thrilled every time I learned about the inside of the toy. But immedia...

How informal and collaborative learning support training

Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills. Just like 2 + 2 and 1 + 3 equal the same 4, there is more than one way to learn. Actually, there are at least three types of learning: Fo...

What’s the deal with personalized learning?

Einstein once said that if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it'll live its whole life thinking it’s stupid. What you may not know is that he was referring to the public educational sys...

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