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Course design (2)

How to make hybrid training engaging and impactful

In the past eighteen months, a new type of training delivery emerged – the hybrid model. In a nutshell, hybrid training means that some participants are in the room and others (including the facilitat...

The power of the group: Using wikis in corporate training

Corporate employees are tired of conference calls. Whether it’s cameras on or off, from home or the office, Zoom fatigue got to most of us by now. Managers find it increasingly difficult to get team m...

How to foster a positive online learning community

One of the perks of social media is that it’s easy to find people with the same interests as yourself. I think it’s safe to say that there is essentially a group for anything, regardless of how niche ...

4 Barriers to overcome in an inclusive training environment

I've recently watched an interview with a leading actress in a popular period drama. She was saying how she never imagined she could ever be part of such a big production because of the color of her s...

How to mentor an inexperienced instructional designer

With so many of the Baby Boomers retired over the past two years, combined with a global staffing shortage, your L&D department might have to hire an instructional designer with little to no experienc...

Less is more: The ideal length of corporate e-learning videos

If you are like me, you’ve watched some TV shows for hours and hours, usually late into the night, at least once. A lot of us binge-watch quite often. We all have different tastes when it comes to ent...

Using the 5 Whys technique for better instructional design

L&D departments get training requests all the time. It’s a good thing because that the organization values learning. However, the result will be far from good when a training intervention is not reall...

Building a data-driven training strategy in 5 steps

It's widely believed that data is the new gold. In a world of algorithms, the Internet of Things, and quantum computing, the amount of data generated by users is virtually unlimited. However, to make ...

How to plan online training programs so you save time and money

I’m sure that most L&D professionals feel like laughing at the concept of planning e-learning. As crazy as the last couple of years have turned out, there’s been absolutely no time to plan anything. I...

Possible obstacles in implementing blended learning and how to deal with them

Blended learning has proved it’s not an L&D fad but an organic development in the business world. This approach to corporate L&D is the right answer to the demands of a very dynamic (and often unpredi...

What instructional designers need to know about blended learning

I’ve been in corporate training for well over a decade. Even back in my early days as an instructional designer, we tried our best to have various training methods. Granted, back then, much of the div...

4 Tips for using visuals in instructional design

We have so many design apps and picture libraries at our disposal that it’s both an opportunity and a challenge to create amazing visuals in instructional design. The upside is that anyone can build o...

How to collaborate successfully in complex instructional design

There’s an old saying that goes, “too many cooks spoil the broth”, meaning that if too many people are involved in the same task, it will not go well. This is mainly because people don't always think ...

3 Useful tips about adult learning to help with experience design

Before the health crisis of 2020, e-learning had already become the norm in many organizations. However, other types of learning interventions often complimented it. Whether these were workshops, team...

What L&D professionals need to know about social media for corporate training

Social media is one of the biggest shifts in the way we interact and communicate. While many blame it for a decrease in productivity, there’s much to be said about its benefits. There is an upside to ...

Practical tips for designing and facilitating learning experiences for neurodiverse learners

In my previous article, I’ve touched on what neurodiversity is and, more importantly, what it's not. Namely, that would be a strict association with an intellectual disability. I also gave some genera...

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